Feizin Amlani
The timeless strategy of 10 X 10
This wasn't just a strategy; it was a discipline, a commitment. Today, as we grapple with the nuances of networking, always seeking an edge, the '10 by 10' approach offers an interesting take.
Q&A Newsletter
Nurturing a Ninja Team
How can I encourage my team to be welcoming hosts, mingle with the guests and generate new contacts and ideas?
Mornings Matter
How would you like an easy way to feel calm, more focused and better prepared to exceed your expectations for the day ahead?
Paving the Path to Success
Navigating the complex world of networking can be daunting at times, but with these ingenious strategies, you'll discover how to maintain a fun, friendly, and professional reputation while sealing the deal like a star
Optimizing Your Time With Colour
As we navigate through crowded schedules and seemingly endless to-do lists, a splash of colour might be just what we need.
The January Blues
So, what's the deal? Why do we set ourselves up for failure by making promises we know we can't keep?