Clients who Move the Goalposts
I am working with a client who is very indecisive and constantly changes their mind on what they want from the project. How can I manage this situation? When it comes to clients who constantly move the goal posts, I have three words for you
I am working with a client who is very indecisive and constantly changes their mind on what they want from the project. How can I manage this situation and ensure that the project is still a success for both the client and the firm?
We have all encountered clients who change their minds, add new requests or even change the entire scope of an assignment. And then do it again a week or two later.
Sometimes, these situations are unavoidable. New information can be discovered, priorities or market factors may change, a shift in circumstances can call for nimble manoeuvres.
It's important to always reflect and consider whether this is the case with a client.
However, there are sometimes instances when clients can be unreasonable in their behaviour or expectations.
When it comes to clients who constantly move the goal posts, I have three words for you: