Forget the phone

The trouble is, if our heads are in our phones then it's going to be much tougher to spot interesting opportunities or meet new people. Which is assumedly the point of being at the event.

Forget the phone

I often take out my phone at events when I find myself alone. I know this is frowned upon. How can I kick this habit?

I understand that one's phone can provide a sense of comfort and security at events, however one of the action points from the Networking Ninja Masterclass is to embrace networking events and step out of the comfort zone!

It seems that wherever we go these days, many people are walking around with their phone in their hand. I must confess that there are times when I am also guilty of doing this.

When we sit for a meeting or a coffee, we often leave our phones face up on the table in front of us.

Because the phone is right there, if it vibrates, pings or rings we can't help but look. Even on silent, we glance to see new notifications. Once we look, we risk being pulled in, whether it's a Whatsapp message, new email or someone on Instagram or LinkedIn.

When at events, particularly when alone and feeling a little out of our comfort zone, it's easy to use the phone as a crutch. Something to make us feel less conspicuous, se we can feel as busy as everyone else around us.

The trouble is, if our heads are in our phones then it's going to be much tougher to spot interesting opportunities or meet new people. Which is assumedly the point of being at the event.

So here's the rule: