The Step Back Approach
I never know who I should try to talk to at events. How can I be more targeted in my networking when at a client, firm or industry event? Of course the smart thing to do is to figure out who is going in advance so you can make a plan. But this isn't always possible.
Non stop chatter
I recently attended a large dinner event. The person next to me didn't stop talking to me all evening. How can I get out of situations like these?
Forget the phone
The trouble is, if our heads are in our phones then it's going to be much tougher to spot interesting opportunities or meet new people. Which is assumedly the point of being at the event.
Expensive Client Lunch
I was at a business lunch with a client and they ordered the most expensive items on the menu without considering the cost. How can I such situations in the future to ensure that the firm is not overspending on client meals?
Clients who Move the Goalposts
I am working with a client who is very indecisive and constantly changes their mind on what they want from the project. How can I manage this situation? When it comes to clients who constantly move the goal posts, I have three words for you
This year will be different
How can I kick off the new year with a focus on setting and achieving meaningful goals, I always fall into the same old routine of abandoning New Year's resolutions after a couple of weeks?
Failed Follow Ups
I met the MD of a company at a recent event. He asked me to reach out to him by email to set up a coffee meeting. I have now emailed him twice and not heard back from him. What can I do next?
Handling Interruptions
I was recently at a prestigious, high profile networking event. I got in a conversation with a well known CEO but we kept getting interrupted. What are some clever techniques you have used to keep people's attention in situations like this?
Superpowers for introverts
My Managing Partner has told me that my role will now consist of attending networking events. I am an introvert and don't like to be around too many people. What can I do? Help!
Insulting Client
I was in a meeting with a client and they made a personal comment about one of my team members. How can I handle this situation in a professional manner and ensure that the client is aware of the impact of their actions?
They always want to renegotiate fees
I have a client who is always trying to negotiate the fees for our services. How can I effectively communicate the value of our services and ensure that the firm is being fairly compensated for the work we are doing?
Controversial Conversations
I was at a networking event and met a potential new client who was very interested in our services. However, they asked for my personal opinion on a controversial topic and I was not sure how to respond in a professional manner. How can I handle these types of situations
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Escaping a Mouthful
At one point I'm sure I felt a bit of food fly out of his mouth when he laughed at something I said. How would I politely get myself out of a situation like this?
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Late Night Emails
I have a client who is always sending emails at all hours of the day and night, including weekends. How can I set boundaries and communicate effectively?
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The Unmeetable CEO
The CEO of a major corporation is going to be at a corporate event in my city. How can I make sure I meet them? Right place, right time is the reason for many a relationship and deal. Lets think about this in two parts.
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Client is never satisfied
I have a client who is always making demands and never seems to be satisfied with the work we are doing. How can I effectively manage this situation and ensure that both the client and the firm are happy with the outcome?
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Handling Interruptions
I am working with a client who is always interrupting in meetings. How can I handle this situation and ensure that I'm able to effectively communicate the information that the client needs to know?
The timeless strategy of 10 X 10
This wasn't just a strategy; it was a discipline, a commitment. Today, as we grapple with the nuances of networking, always seeking an edge, the '10 by 10' approach offers an interesting take.
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Incorrect Introductions
It's almost never an incorrect introduction that causes embarrassment or confusion but the amount of time that's left before correcting it.
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From avoidance to advantage
Sometimes I am apprehensive about telling people the sector in which I work. In the past I have been bombarded with questions I am unable to answer. How can I avoid this?
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Nurturing a Ninja Team
How can I encourage my team to be welcoming hosts, mingle with the guests and generate new contacts and ideas?
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Trouble shaking hands
In this week's Q&A, a handshake puzzle.
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Doing business with giants
Before going out looking for a big client, its important to be sure that you are ready for success. Here are some less conventional approaches that have worked well for me over the years