The timeless strategy of 10 X 10
This wasn't just a strategy; it was a discipline, a commitment. Today, as we grapple with the nuances of networking, always seeking an edge, the '10 by 10' approach offers an interesting take.

Many people may not be aware of this, but one of the most successful and focused firms out there when it comes to networking and client relations is IBM. The firm has been a true innovator in the field for decades.
During its heyday, back when computers were bigger than cars, a unique mantra resonated around the firm.
10 x 10
By the time most people were pouring their second cup of coffee at 10 am, every consultant had already made 10 client calls or sent 10 messages. Back then, email was not a thing yet so sending messages meant actual telegrams, post and in the latter days, faxes.
In today’s environment, with the varied nature of communication, conversations and relationships, 10x10 may not suit your work. However, the principle remains. If your conversations take a long time or you work with much smaller pools of clients, go for 3x3 - 3 by 3pm or 5x5. The concept of creating a system and routine for maintaining our relationships is the real key here.
This wasn't just a strategy; it was a discipline, a commitment. Today, as we grapple with the nuances of networking, always seeking an edge, the '10 by 10' approach offers an interesting take.
Network Effects
By mid-morning, these consultants had already set the stage, creating ripples that would shape the rest of their day. Call backs, questions, meetings, mentions. Their ethos was simple: bring something fresh, something unprecedented to the table. In an era where every handshake mattered, they were maestros of relationship-building, understanding that every call, every interaction was a step towards a shared vision.
Adapting the '10 by 10' for Today
The spirit of '10 by 10' is not just a page from history; it's a playbook for the present. The mediums have changed, but the essence? That remains untouched. Here are some interesting ways to apply the same principles today. If you have any suggestions of your own, I would love to read about them in the comments.
Do it Digitally
Once upon a time, a phone call was the bridge. Today, platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter and our own websites and blogs are the new arenas. By 10 am, why not try sending out 10 follow up texts or emails or personally message 10 people to connect with on LinkedIn.
Be Sincere
The '10 by 10' approach might sound like a numbers game, but it's the depth that counts. 10 is still low enough to give each message, each interaction your full, personal attention. A mentor once told me, "One genuine and sincere message can open doors that ten generic ones can't."
Stay Curious
The commercial arena is a tapestry of ever-shifting patterns. Use your morning engagements as a window to the world. Dive into conversations, share your wisdom, ask pertinent questions and start building authority. Become someone others look up to.10 quick chats about an interesting piece of information can lead to an enhanced reputation faster than you think.
There is no virtual, It’s all reality
Webinars, online symposiums, and virtual roundtables are the new norm. Find relevant opportunities to engage, interact, and connect post-event. Attend one event and interact 10 different ways - connect with other attendees, connect with the presenter, ask questions, leave a comment.
Keep it Vibrant
Spend one day a week reaching out to 10 contacts you haven’t spoken to for some time. Send an interesting article, a note just to say ‘hi, it's been too long, lets catch up’ a link to a relevant (online) event, even just a quick comment and picture of a place or item that is relevant to a conversation you have shared with that person.
It’s easy for people to get caught up with their day to day. This is a great way to keep your relationships current.
Get creative
There are all kinds of activities which if we were just able to focus on regularly could up our game immensely. What are some activities that you could try and use the 10 by 10 for? Let me know in the comments below.
Beyond Just Contacts
Networking is the starting line, not the finish. The real game? It's about building meaningful relationships, being helpful and carving a niche.
The '10 by 10' strategy, a gem from IBM's illustrious past, is a testament to the timeless art of relationship building. The world may be digital, but nothing nurtures relationships better than the true personal touch.
One conversation at a time.